Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Desperate timeshare owners falling for scams

Selling a timeshare vacation property has always been a challenge. These days, it can be nearly impossible. The market is flooded with units for sale. People who are struggling to make ends meet are desperate to liquidate.
Con artists are cashing in on that desperation. Fraudulent telemarketers across the country are taking in millions of dollars by making promises they cannot keep.

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They say they have a buyer lined up whos ready to buy your property, explains Jeanette Kopko with the Dallas
Better Business Bureau. And they make it sound like you need to pay their fee right away or this buyer is going to slip out of your grasp.
But the bottom line is always the same: There is no buyer. All the company does for the money if it does anything at all is list your property for sale.
They just lie to you, says Catherine Aviolo of Chicago.
Catherine and her husband, Joe, are both unemployed construction workers. They need to sell their timeshare in Florida to pay off their mounting credit card debt.
One day they got a call out of the blue from a company in Texas that guaranteed to sell their unit within six months. Catherine and Joe thought their prayers had been answered.
The caller said theyd have to pay a small fee for the service: $399 in advance. Thinking this was a sure thing, the Aviolos came up with the money. But the company never came up with a buyer.
Every time we contacted them they said they had no one interested in it because we were asking too much money, Catherine says.
The timeshare is still on the market and the company wont refund the money. The Aviolos are now on what telemarketers refer to as a suckers list because this summer they were contacted by at least 14 different timeshare resellers. All wanted money up front.
John Davis, who lives in New Mexico, got taken by a timeshare resale con artist for $2,200. Davis was thinking about selling a unit he hadnt used much recently. Thats when he got an unexpected call from a telemarketer who said his company had a buyer. The deal would close in 30-60 days, but Davis would have to pay the closing costs in advance.
They sounded legitimate, he recalls. And he wanted to cash out of the unit, so he gave them his credit card number to cover that enormous fee.
Davis waited the 60 days and nothing happened. When he called the company he was given excuses. This went on for months. Finally, the company stopped answering the phone and Davis knew hed been burned.
They told me exactly what I wanted to hear and I fell for it hook, line and sinker.
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  2. Tips for selling your timeshare
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At first the credit card company did not want to refund the money because too much time had elapsed. But Davis made such a stink, he eventually got his money back. He was lucky.
Law enforcement agencies across the country are reporting a spike in complaints about timeshare resale scams.
It is very large and growing problem, says Terence McElroy, communications director for the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, which licenses telemarketers in the state. A lot of people really need to unload their timeshares, and unscrupulous telemarketers are able to exploit this situation.
Timeshare resale complaints are now the most commonly reported consumer problem to the Florida
Attorney Generals office. Since the beginning of the year, more than 8,500 people have filed complaints.
The increasing level of fraud in the timeshare resale industry is alarming, says Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.
His office has active lawsuits against nine timeshare resale companies and is investigating 49 others.
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan says her office has
seen victims taken for as much as $5,000. Madigan tells me the fake resellers often send timeshare owners bogus documents that look legitimate to make the potential sale seem real.
While some of the scammers still take a credit card numbers over the phone, Madigan says most now want the money wired to an out-of-state bank account.
Wire the money and you might as well throw it in the garbage, because youre not going to see it again, she says.
By the time people realize they've been taken and complain to the authorities, the con artists have closed their bank account, disconnected their phone and moved to a new location.
Its not easy to resell a timeshare. The market is weak, and the number of available units is staggering.
If youre lucky you may be able to get 10 cents on the dollar trying to sell it in the resale market, says Ed Perkins, contributing editor at
Thats why most real estate agents wont bother with a timeshare resale, which means youre on your own. Your best bet is to sign up with a legitimate listing organization. Perkins says theyll charge you around $25 to post your message on their bulletin board.

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